If there’s any method entrepreneurs can use to propel their new businesses forward, it’s social selling.
When you want to start a business on a tight budget, work on your social selling skills.
Sales professionals and owners of thriving businesses can use social selling techniques to bust quotas and boost revenue.
You can get started with social selling even if you don’t have a website.
Here is the secret sauce to driving social media engagement and building an online audience of eager buyers.
Despite its power, many small business owners, entrepreneurs, and even sales professionals don’t include social selling in their routine.
Not using social selling shows you don’t understand it.
Many project their fear of rejection and fear of spamming on social selling.
Social selling gone wrong can be spam.
Without an informed system, social selling will feel like a wasted effort.
Before we get into all that social selling entails, let’s bust a few myths…
Social Selling vs. Cold Calling
Cold calling is about getting a list of phone numbers of potential customers who’ve never heard of you and calling them.
This activity has a reputation among many for being too awkward and interruptive.
An elite few champion cold calling as an essential business activity and prerequisite for massive success.
Love it or hate it, cold calling is an important business skill to have.
Making a few cold calls may be the very action needed to get your business beyond a certain level.
Cold calling has its merits, but it’s not social selling by far.
As with cold calling, you want to devote a certain number of hours each week to social selling, but that’s where the commonalities end.
If your social selling resembles cold calling then you’re doing it wrong.
Social selling is about getting your prospects to engage with your brand on social media and about how you follow up with them when they do.
Social Selling vs. Social Media Marketing
Social selling is not social media marketing, though the two are often confused.
The difference between social selling and social media marketing is that selling is not just about posting content.
It’s possible (but not recommended) to do social selling and get positive results without having a solid social media marketing campaign going.
Social selling can boost the results of your social media marketing.
Social marketing is about posting your message to the masses and social selling is about one-on-one conversations.
Social media marketing is all about optimizing your social media profiles and the content you post.
Social selling is asking specific people to interact with your content and brand.
Why Social Selling Should Be in Your Entrepreneurial Toolkit
Agility can save a business or help get it off the ground.
The ability to adapt and respond quickly to business challenges sets the movers and shakers apart from the rest.
When your business needs that push to gain traction you want to be capable of giving that muscle, even if it’s not your favorite task.
Cold calling isn’t always an option.
Cold emailing doesn’t always work well enough fast enough.
SEO and social media marketing are long-term games.
The budget and ROI for paid advertising aren’t always there.
What if social media is your only route to get in touch with a key influencer?
There is a lot of noise in the marketplace and you need to get good at standing out.
Social selling is the icing on the cake and the ability to do it well can set you at a major advantage.
Social selling is how you expedite digital marketing results.
The business owner, entrepreneur or sales professional who are well-versed in social selling are positioned to take fast action and have the upper hand on competitors.
If you are responsible for driving the revenue of a business, you don’t want to be forced to wait to find and pay someone who has social selling skills.
Social selling puts the power of social media in your hands.
What Can You Achieve with Social Selling?
Social selling works for both B2B and B2C.
You need social selling to assist in building your online audience and connecting with potential stakeholders.
Social selling can help you build a marketing list, fill your sales pipeline and boost revenue.
Whether your main method of getting new customers is cold calling, content marketing, direct advertising or another of the many methods of customer acquisition, you’ll find that social selling compliments them all.